Dunstans was engaged by John Holland Group on behalf of the Mitcham and Rooks Road Alliance (MRRA) to install an ongrade stormwater outfall pipeline by HDD.
This project highlights Dunstans capabilities to perform complex projects. Dunstans completed the design of the HDD crossing in-house, to comply with MRRA requirements for the location of the proposed stormwater pits and the required grades to ensure the outfall pipeline will operate effectively.
Due to the location, between the upgraded railway line and existing buildings, there was no access to install the pipeline by trenching. Thrust boring could not be utilised due to a curve required in the horizontal plan so the pipeline would follow the railway cutting retaining wall.
Dunstans successfully completed the fabrication and installation of the ongrade pipeline, to the satisfaction of MRRA and John Holland Group utilising our Vermeer D100 Directional Drill and support equipment.